
31 October 2008

A Halloween dilemma...

My kids looooove Halloween...!! I have to admit, having been raised without knowing what Halloween was, it is really hard for me to get in the spirit of things... Even harder for me is to decorate for this season! The only time my mom brought out decorations (and not that many...) was for Christmas. But I do make an effort, for my kids!! I'll leave the dilemma for later (and it is not a decorating one, it has to do with costumes), now I would like to show you, as promised, some of the things I found at Expo:

Lisa found this doll for me... Love her dress!!

Couldn't resist this beautiful celluloid box...

I am always on the lookout for vintage fabric

How cute is this little sewing machine?

I was very excited to find this darling vintage christening coat... I almost didn't go look at the price, because I thought it would be too expensive for me, but when I saw a tag with $5.00, I couldn't pass!!!

Now, to the Halloween dilemma!! The other day my oldest daughter and I decided to go through my suitcases of vintage clothing to find a costume for a Halloween birthday party she is going to tonight... After trying out many different dresses, she narrowed it down to these three... Should she go as...

... a medieval princess

... a disco diva...

... or a german yodler?

I'll reveal tomorrow what she decided to go with (and what I wanted her to wear...!!). Have a great Halloween!!

Note: I received an email from a friend saying she couldn't leave a comment... Somehow my settings unintentionally got switched to allowing only members of the blog to leave comments (??!!!). I am so sorry, I have just fixed the problem!!

28 October 2008

Portland Antiques Expo

This weekend I had a booth at the Portland Antiques Expo, and was set up right by my friends Joy and Maryann and her daughter Shannon. Sales weren't great, but we had tons of fun!! What a difference it makes when you have good friends by your side, especially since there are three full days of selling...!! Some of my pieces were bought by a japanese man who has a store in Tokyo... He buys tons of stuff, then has it shipped back in a big crate! I am sure his store is a great success, considering he comes to every Expo (and I heard he also goes to Texas...). We saw lots of good friends and missed some too!! My bones are still sore, but better yet, my cheeks are still hurting from all the smiling and laughing...!!!

My booth...

Lisa came over to help me set up!

Joy's booth...

Maryann and her daughter Shannon...

Twins Donna and Diana's gorgeous space...

Randy's eye candy booth...

Sue and Joe's adorable "shack"...

Karen and Corinne's cute booth...

As I was downloading my pictures, I realized I forgot to take pictures of Susan's awesome booth... So bummed!! All through the weekend I was able to find some cute things, which I will share in my next post. I hope you enjoyed the visit through my camera lens...!!!

23 October 2008

Sneak Peek

Boy, life has been hectic, to say the least...! Not only am I doing the Portland Antiques Expo tomorrow through Sunday, but my daughters' gym is having their big Halloween themed meet/fundraiser this Saturday, and guess who is in charge on Decorations...!! Yes, that would be moi... Oh, and there are 4 soccer games this weekend, one of them in Bend (3 hours away) ... Yes, when it rains, it pours!!! It is a miracle I even had the energy to put together items for this weekend!! Every time I do these shows, I always feel so ill prepared, like I'm just throwing stuff together at the last minute and disapointed that I didn't get more done..!! In the meantime, laundry is piling and the kids have no matching socks!! I could do a post on the sock issue alone...!!!

I will be at the show with Joy and Marianne, and Lisa will be coming tomorrow to help set up. I know I will have lots of fun, but right now I just want to curl into a cocoon and hibernate!! For now, I will leave you with a sneak peek of a few items I remembered to take a picture of...!! I hope that you can stop by if you are in the area; we would love your visit!!

19 October 2008

Barn House Gothic Harvest

They promised a great show, and they delivered...!!! The Barn House last show of the year was absolutely breathtaking... Joe and Jermonne, together with Cindy, Queen of Tarte, created magic and outdid themselves! The amount of work they put into it is very impressive, and the attention to detail (including spooky background music) is something that will stay in my mind for a long time...!!

Don't they look just like little ghosts...?!!

They even dressed the part...! From left to right, Jermonne, Cindy, Joe, Barry (King of Tarte) and Natalie, from Sparrow. We had a great time visiting, they always make everyone feel so welcomed, and even treated us all to mimosas and scones!! Lisa and I had a great time, bought some treasures and even met up with some great fellow bloggers, like Sylvi from Little Cottage, Timi from A Girl Named Timi and Tiffany from Shabby Scraps!!

It is going to be a long winter while we wait for their next BH event...!! We miss them already!!

16 October 2008

Latest vintage finds

Monday Lisa and I went to Monticello to pull down our garden space... We were able to put most of our stuff in our booths, but some of it had to come home with us (that's the part we don't like!). I am doing the Expo Antiques Show next weekend, so at least most of it will be on its way out!! I found a few cute things while at Monticello, like this adorable set of little italian place card pots... I love the idea of filling those individual little pots with salt or something like that...

I was also delighted to find 3 adorable vintage celluloid album covers... Especially the one with the girl sitting and gazing into the air...!!! They were a great addition to my ever growing collection, as you can see!!

I was a busy bee, today, and got one project done!! Yeppee!! I had found this large hatbox, but felt it needed a little beautifying, so to my stash of vintage paper I went, and, with my new favorite spray glue in hand... Voila!! I love the way it turned out, and will be taking it to Expo.

This Saturday Lisa and I will be traveling to Battle Ground (WA) to see our sweet friends at the Barn House. They are, with Cindy Dockins from Tarte, putting a great "Gothic Harvest" show, and they promised to be in costume... You know what that means...!! It means I'm puttin' my camera in my purse right now!!