
06 August 2008

Lake Oswego Antiques Fair

Joy and I participated, this last Sunday, in the Lake Oswego Antiques Fair! This is our second year being part of this event, the location by the lake is simply gorgeous and we had a lot of fun visiting with other vendors!! Having Joy there really brightened up my day, she is definitely a Tigger, not an Eeyore...!!! In the picture, I am wearing a $3.00 hat I found in Suzie's Vintage booth!! Here are some pictures of my booth...

... Joy setting up her space...

... Julie from The Whithies...

... Margot and her daughter Karen... I love them to pieces!! I literally drooled over Margot's decoupaged dress form. Isn't it simply divine?

... The girls from ADORN, Carrie, Beckie and Allie...

... yeah, even the most JOYful people in the world need a little break, here and there...!!!

Here are some of the treasures I brought home with me. This huge hooked rug bought from Margot , a couple of vintage barkcloth panels and an adorable vintage box made of Mother's Day cards. I also bought the most incredible old bed from Joy, but I forgot to take a picture, so I will share it next time!!


  1. hi isabel,
    as usual, your latest post is full of pictures that make me wish i could have hopped on a plane to shop your booth!
    the card box you bought is glorious. it is one of the prettiest i have ever seen.
    i must say, you have great flea markets up in your part of the country. everything looks dreamy!
    have a happy weekend!

  2. Isabel,
    I sometimes feel bad that whenever I pop on over to your place, I end up saying "Can I buy that?" but I can see where ever you go you come home with the best treasures. You are so kind to share! Sorry I missed the show. I am already planning to see you in The OC, my hometown. I can't wait to follow you around and see what catches your eye!

  3. What great things I saw at the flea!! Someday I'm going that way just to shop!

  4. I would get in trouble there!! Tons of cute things!! You and Joy have wonderful spaces!!!


  5. Isabel,

    oh, sigh. I love love love your posts. (That was pretty much a given) Your finds are beautiful. Wish I lived there, I would love to go to all your "shows".
    xo Lidy


I so enjoy and appreciate your comments!! Thank you so much for stopping by!!!