
22 April 2008

Happy birthday, baby girl!!

I wanted to share some of the great things I found this weekend... At a local bazaar I bought this amazing large stroller, I will fill it with vintage blankets and pillows and take it to shows. I have a thing for vintage strollers, and was delighted when I found this little pink cutie at the Coburg Antique Fair last year for an amazing $15...!! It sits in my huge mantel, which has been lovingly styled by my dear friend Joy (with Lisa's help)!!

I also found some cute things at Monticello (have I mentioned I love Iris's booth?!! - keep bringing the cute stuff, Braeda!!), including a cute pillow, a huge floral hankie press, a piece of fabric trim, a floral hat and a piece of fabric trim. The darling metal birdcage came from the above mentioned bazaar, and, unfortunately, when I brought it home, my son thought it looked like a cool sitting bench and sat on it, breaking some of the little pieces of trim... Oh, the despair..!!

The pair of vintage framed prints came from an estate sale in our area, and will join my ever growing collection, which I will have to share with you in a future post.

On a last (but definitely not least!) note, I am sharing a photo of my birthday girl, Anna, who turns 13 today!! As we traditionally do for every child every year, we woke Anna up singing "Happy Birthday" and she opened her presents in bed!! I love you, Anna, and am very proud of the young woman you are becoming!!


  1. I'm so glad you came over today. You seem to be getting the hang of this blogging thing I would say. Great post! Love your little strollers, especially the pink one.



  2. Happy birthday to your daughter. I LOVE your banner...the wicker cart...oh I just love it!! Strollers are sooo cute. I like the redish one. Laurie

  3. Hi just found you. Love reading your blog. Denise

  4. Wow, what a score. Love all the pretties you found. Thanks for visiting...

    Debbie Kay

  5. I love that pram too! Wow so cute. And happy Birthday to Anna! Lovely blog, i will visit again! x

  6. Hi Isabel, or I could say Isabella which sounds more French to my untrained ear...
    I love all your quilts they are so pretty, I also think Miss Anna is sooo pretty and so sweet too! Happy belated bday to her! I am on my way to connect your site to mine!!

  7. What a cool blog you have, I'll be back for sure. Thanks so much for stopping by, Theresa

  8. Those are *darling* strollers~what a special touch they add! (Beautiful quilts, too, by the way!)
    Have a great day celebrating!

  9. Oh, love that larger stroller...well, they both are cute as can be! Great treasure hunting, too! I am convinced that a trip to Oregon will be very satisfying for finding old things!!

    Happy Belated birthday to your darling daughter, too!



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