
15 April 2008

Vintage finds and creations

Last weekend I found some cute things at a couple of thrift stores/estate sale and wanted to share them with you! I am always a sucker for old suitaces, I found them at an estate sale, along with the purple ticking pillow. The large framed print (I actually just wanted the frame...), the mirror, silver tray and "birdcase" from the thrift store, then I got some goodies at Monticello during my weekly run: pink jewelry box, pink perfume bottle (I will share with you my collection in a future post), small oil and vintage pantaloons.

I also found these darling dolls at the flea market I went with Lisa the weekend before... I love them!! The large framed print was also a treasured find at the same flea market. The frame alone is simply amazing!! We had a lot of fun, and ran into Joy, Martha and Diane.

Lastly, I would like to share with you one of my latest creations! I've been getting into decorationg old suitcases, lately, so I came up with this... "Objets Trouves" means "Found Objects" in French. I will probably take this to Farm Chicks. I have others in the works, I will share them with you when they are done!!


  1. Hey, now I don't need to come over to see what you got thrifting. I'm a little sad about that. Just kidding. Loved seeing what you found and I know there will be lots of jealous people about those neat dolls. Your suitcase turned out really cute too.

    Love ya,


  2. I loved your blog, the show and tell is one part is so much fun to see what people find and better yet what they do with it. Now that is the creative spirit,the suitcase is lovely. Looking forward to other postings, See you at Monticellos.

  3. Wonderful finds!! I just LOVE the dolls!! The suitcase looks fabulous!!

  4. Hi Isabel, thanks for visiting me and a very big welcome to Blogland. We have similar interests:) Your husband is very tolerant, mine would die if I made a valance with my vintage lingerie! Love it! Take Care, Rachael

  5. Gorgeous..pretty goodies too!

  6. Hi ya - I'm just visiting you for the first time, love your blog and creations! Those dolls are so cool, how did I miss those at the flea market that day? drat.....

  7. Oh, the doll in the middle is just like a dearly loved doll from my childhood! I wish, oh how I wish I had kept her. Now I keep looking for another just like her! Your finds are wonderful. Glad we got to see them. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Please come back again soon. ~Adrienne~

  8. What great finds! I'm hoping to do some thrifting at the weekend!

    Victoria xx

  9. Welcome to the wonderful land of blog! I am a self-proclaimed "junquaholic" (for example, my favorite part of my birthday celebration was going from thrift store to thrift store with my "junque syster" looking for treasures) so it looks as though I will be stopping to visit you often as I journey through the land of blog!


    P.S. I'm having a birthday give-away at my blog. Please stop by for a visit.

    P.P.S. I LOVE what you've done to the suitcase!

  10. Hello form New York! I found your blog through Lisa's Retro Style blog.

    I loveall the vintage things you found, especially the dolls.

    Have a good weekend!



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