
11 June 2008


We're back from one of the most amazing antique shows we have ever been a part of!! We met the most wonderful people, had a blast selling tons of things, and just had FUN!! Lisa and I arrived in Spokane Friday afternoon, and started setting up our booths amidst the most incredible dealers you have ever seen.... Saturday started off with an immense line of people anxiously awaiting the start of the show! We were suddenly surrounded by so many wonderful customers, we wish we could have visited longer with each and every one! We saw many of our sweet friends from Portland and met some new ones!! It was absolutely an amazing experience, and we had barely left the parking lot on Sunday and were already talking about next year....

There was a sweet lady who purchased a chair from me, and forgot to pick it up when she left Saturday to go back to Oregon. She called me, and we arranged for her to meet us near the Interstate Freeway on the way back so we could give her the chair she so loved!! What a story!!

Here are some pictures of my booth...

...and here is Lisa's...

I have so many more pictures of some of the wonderful dealers who traveled with us from Oregon, and many others who brought their most amazing treasures to this show!! One of the highlights of this show, for me, was to meet the incredibly sweet Heather Bullard, from Present Past. Her booth was absolute eye candy!!! I hope to be able to share these pictures tomorrow. In the meantime, I wanted to share some of the wonderful treasures I found for myself... I absolutely love everything!!


  1. Ohhhh, I love it! Looks very fab. Love all the layers and the furniture is darling. Great job, love to go and see it first hand. Happy Junken Trails

  2. Great, great, great!!! I love your colors, your roses, your suitcases-EVERYTHING!
    Lisa's polka dot table is a winner!
    Hope to see you at the next BARNHOUSE sale, June 28th - you will find lots, that is sure to "tickle you pink".....

  3. Really beautiful things. I wish I lived closer to join in the fun!

    Knitty, Vintage and Rosy

  4. It sure was FUN!!.......I adore the lil gazebo I bought from you...I had spied it from the beginning and resisted it and then Arlene...who was in a booth right across from me...brought it to me and said I must buy it as it was so "me".....I resisted no more and now it sits in my living room!!! I t was meant to be mine!! I put a picture of it on my flickr site.

  5. Hello! Just found your blog via Heather Bullard.
    Your booth looked absolutely wonderful! I think I would have spent a small fortune in there! So many pretty things!
    I adore the shopping carts!

  6. HI Isabel, it was a pleasure meeting you at Farm Chicks, loved the Tickled Pink booth, it was fabulous! Hope to see you back next year!!! Take care, Laura

  7. You looked like you had a wonderful time! Your booth looked great! It looks like you scored big time too!

  8. I am SOOO going next year!! I am a friend of Heather B.'s ...Maybe I can stowaway with her!lol
    Your booth was beautiful!

  9. That antique chair with the heart shaped back,in one of the first pics.Awesome.I'll trade my dh for it,ha...Ann


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