
28 August 2008

Oregon City and a new friend (or two)!!

Last Sunday Lisa and I were vendors at the Oregon City Street Fair. The day was perfect (it did start to rain when we were loading up...), even though we didn't sell as much as we wanted!! It was fun to see good friends, and meet new ones! Joy was set up next to us, and Sue had her booth a few spaces up... Of course two of my favorite people, Margot and Karen, were there too and I bought the coolest vintage funeral basket with barbola detail from them! I loved seeing Joe walking around with his hands full of treasures, and was very happy to see Natalie and her sweet husband! Allie (and her cutie pie daughter) and Carrie, from Adorn, were there too! Randy, from Madison Park, was my first customer of the day, and Corinne and Karen, from Second Childhood Girlfriends, were finding some adorable things for their booth at Monticello. Joyce and Kelly, from Monticello, were also scouring the fair for some great vintage finds!! Kelly told me that her husband, upon looking at our space, ran to her and said "You have to come and look at this space, I thing you should have them at Monticello..." Of course she had to chuckle, when she informed him we already were...!!!

It was a great day to see all our good friends, but I have to say, the highlight of the day was meeting Christine LeFever!! Lisa and I had visited her blog before and were so excited to meet her.... We were absolutely stunned and excited when Christine invited us over for a drink after the show!! We knew we couldn't pass this opportunity to spent some time with someone we admire so much!! Not only is Christine an amazingly talented artist, she is a cool chick, too!!! We had so much fun sitting around her kitchen table just talking, munching and drinking, and touring her beautiful victorian home!! Chistine's husband, Greg, was absolutely delightful and someone I would definitely love to sit around with and talk, as he is a bottomless well of knowledge!! I definitely hope to see them again soon!

I did manage to find a few cool things! Here is the basket I mentioned above, isn't it gorgeous?!! The price was great, too!!

I have recently started collecting old celluloid boxes, and was very excited to find this beautiful one!!

I love these old clocks with roses and cherubs, and have quite a few!!

Lisa spotted this french market basket for me and I couldn't say no!!

We will be selling at Coburg on September 7th (our last show of the summer!!), it is a great show and I hope to see many of you there!!! You are sure to find some great treasures!!


  1. Hi Isabel , I'm so glad you posted photos of your great finds. You were got some great things , I love the Barbola. Its so hard to find. That was sweet what Kelly's husband said... he has a good eye for vendors. Sue

  2. Howdy!! I am soooo upset that I missed the party in Oregon City!!! Joe said everybody we know was there...unfortunately, I was stuck on the couch in total recovery from the previous weeks. BUT, now I am back!!! When is the next party????


  3. You girls just know how to have THE BEST time!!!! I love your treasures you found! Those old celluloid boxes are fabulous!

    Isabel, you have amazing collections and amazing taste! I also have to tell you that I love the old Victorian Paper Punch embroidery piece that is in the photo on your banner. Those are so sweeeeeet!

    Have a lovely day and give your boo-boo'd cutie pie boy a hug! We've been there, done that here at our house!!


  4. What amazing finds!!!!! Gorgeous!!

    M ^..^

  5. You hang out with the coolest people and looks like you found some nice treasures too!!

  6. Wow- Love your pictures...and wish that I had been to Oregon City. Your blog is great- I have a store in Sellwood, and am headed to Coburg to shop! Hope to find you there!
    Melanie (All My Favorite Things)


I so enjoy and appreciate your comments!! Thank you so much for stopping by!!!