
13 April 2009

Field trips and tote bags

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter day!! For us, it was a fun and relaxing day, full of Easter eggs, laughter and good food!! I took the girls to see the Hanna Montana movie (sweet, feel good movie!!), while Daddy stayed home with his buddy Alex to watch Transformers. But part of me always feels a little sad around the holidays, because I am away from my family (and Easter is the second most important holiday for us Portuguese, right after Christmas)... I do miss spending time with them and that always makes me sad!!

I had a few people ask me what I would do with the old springboard I found at an estate sale... I will be taking it to sell at Farm Chicks in June, but I wanted to show you what my sweet friend Joy does with hers: She actually hung it above her check-out counter, filled it with lights and cute paper globes!! How adorable is that!!

She also uses an old springboard at shows, which she stands up, to display little buckets and containers that hold small items, notions and trinkets!!

Saturday Lisa and I took off on a day trip to Centralia (about 2 hours north of Portland, on the way to Seattle). We met up with Timi and Donna, who rode the train there from Snohomish, WA. We spent the day visiting antique stores, had a wonderful lunch and even found a salvage depot!

Being the thrifty shoppers we are, we found the prices to be quite high, but I managed to find a few treasures, like this adorable doll, a fun (and old!) birdcage and stand, and a cool pink shelf!

Today, I have been busy working on making some tote bags... I really wanted to give them a vintage yet organic look, and I am loving how they are turning out!! I will show them better when I have them complete, with lining and handles!

Finally, I wanted to share a cute picture of my son... We had a few wonderful days of sun last week and had to head up to the park for some fun in the sun!!! I can't wait for summer to be here!!


  1. To spend that time with your friends...sounds awesome....and so does the warm weather!! To think you had time at the beach - wow -
    we are at 36* today :(

  2. Look at all that great stuff! I love the doll, I live near seattle! Looks like some great shopping! I hope to make it to farmchicks this year!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I so wish I new you were coming to Centralia. I have been visiting you at your blog for the last few weeks. I would have love to just meet you as I have been admiring all your talent and collections.
    I am always anxious to see what you are doing next. I have a small spot in Chehalis at Miss Lillies on State street that I opened about 5 weeks ago. Thanks for sharing your trip. Lori

    April 13, 2009 5:55 PM

  5. This is the funniest thing ever. I was scrolling through your pictures(before I read actually read it) and saw an antique shop I recognized, I said "Wait a minute, that looks like Centralia". So I had to do the reading and lo and behold it was! I live near here and was actually shopping with my Mom, cousin, and Grandmother in the shops Saturday, we could have run into you and not even know it! What a coincidence!

  6. It ALL sounds like fun. Love the birdcage, and the photo of your son is priceless!!

    Hugs to you Isabel,


  7. I used old springs over my arbor for my blog party, which I'll do a post on tomorrow. Not sure that I took a close up shot of it though. I wove lights and it looked real pretty in the evenings. It did sell, so I'll have to find another one.

  8. That all sounds (and looks) lovely. I think your vintage organic style bags are fantastic!

  9. What a fun day with your friends. All that great junk!. I too am longing for warm weather. Almost here! Yippee. I posted about my lovely give away gifts from Portugal today. Thanks so much, Pam

  10. Oh what fun you had on your shopping spree to Centralia! I love going there once in a blue.

    That little doll is absolutely darling.

    Love that picture of Joy and the old springs.

    Linda and Ludmil showed something on that order on their blog, hanging on the wall. I think it was a baby crib springs, can't really remember. But it left an impression.

    I am sad about your missing your dear family in Portugal. There is so much of that in this world of ours.

    You take care adorable Isabel.


    Christine (AKA ~ Zwee!)

  11. love the springs ideas~!the doll is too cute, my fav find of yours from the weekend!
    xoxo, Tiffany

  12. Looks like a great girls' day out. I love the things you brought home! Great birdcage with stand. Love the pic of your son. Cute! ~Mindy

  13. Great picture of your son, he is a cutie. It looks like you girls had a wonderful time shopping. I love the doll and bird cage that you found. Thanks for sharing.


  14. I will look for you at the Farm Chick's show. The spring...I never would have thought to hang it and put lights on it....amazing.

  15. Great idea for the bedspring. Wonderful stuff. Hope you had a great Easter weekend.

  16. I am drooling. That shelf! That Birdcage! What a great idea for the springboard!

    So pleased to have found this blog every time I visit.

  17. Great finds, love that bird cage! I've posted a link for bloggers attending the Farm Chicks who would like to make and wear badges representing their blogs, check it out on my post from April 1st! See you at the show!


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