
28 September 2009

Famous friends and adorable things

I was so excited to read an article called "Ringmasters of the barn sales" this weekend on The Oregonian about my friends Cindy, Joe and Jermonne and Linda!!! It is beautifully written and it truly captures the feel we all experience in this extended family of ours!!

I didn't make it to Cindy's barn on Saturday (I needed to spend time with the family and see my children play soccer, as I had been so busy the previous weekends...), but as I was leaving the barn on Friday evening, my friend Diana from Annie, Fannie and Abigail offered me such a great deal on some of their treasures, I could not resist!!

This beautiful barkcloth covered trunk resides in my home, now!

You know I loooove old dresses, and these treasures were irresistible!!!

And, to top it off, my good friend Jeana dropped by last week to give me this... I was so excited!!! I have the best friends!!! Thank you so much, Jeana!!!!

I couldn't resist ending this post with a photo of my daughter Rita's cute hair-do... She went to a friend's house for a sleepover and her friend's mom sent her home the next day looking gorgeous!!! Rita even wore it to her soccer game! Love it! Have a wonderful week!


  1. OH MY GOSH!! What a stunning hair-do!!!!!!!!!

  2. I like the braids. In fact I made a braid on my daughter Gina this morning for school

    Have a great week!

  3. I adore the braided hair! I have a braid book for my granddaughter and that one just might be in there. How cute!!

    Love the barkcloth covered trunk too! :)

  4. OH I love the turquoise tray... it is awesome. Hope you had a great Monday.


  5. I love Rita's braids! Very free spirited, indeed :0)

    And the vintage still my heart! Have you opened your Etsy shop yet?

    Please do drop by for a quick visit!
    Have a wonderful day,

  6. Lovey finds! I am in love with your barkcloth trunk! Have the perfect spot for it if you don't have room for it!!!


  7. Loved the article in the Oregonian. Your barkcloth trunk is the best!! And Rita's hair is too cute. Great post, thanks, Annette

  8. Sorry I missed you! Rita looks darling!

  9. Oh the antique clothing is wonderful!

    Love the hairdo! :)

  10. Wow - love that trunk! I'll have to email you a pic of the one I picked up by the side of the road (I thought it was just cardboard!)


  11. Oh I love your barkcloth covered trunk. The colors are great. What a great idea to do with a plain trunk too. And, your daughters hair is adorable!!!

  12. I have NEVER seen a trunk like that before.....I bet it looks amazing in your house!
    Your daughters hair is very cute!

  13. Olá Isabel!! nem imagino o q será viver tão longe da familia e ter de se integrar numa outra comunidade e país, mas nós sempre fomos peritos nisso!... obrigada pela visita e pelo comentário. vejo q partilhamos gostos! adoro as roupas antigas!! são só para decorar?? é q eu comprei um vestido de inverno do final do séc.19 e pretendo usa-lo apesar do meu marido dizer q pareço saída da máquina do tempo. tb eu sou casada com um militar! oficial de marinha.
    espero q goste das fotos do Alentejo e sirva para matar saudades!
    jocas e bons sonhos,


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