
10 March 2010

Charlotte's Brocante this Friday!!

You may remember my post a few months back about Charlotte's Brocante... My friend Amy has recently been in France on a shopping trip with Corey, aka the Queen of Brocante, gathering the most amazing treasures to share with us... Her sale, held on her beautiful historic property in the outskirts of Portland will take place this Friday only, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.  Her treasures are gone soon, so be there early for your chance at getting some wonderful vintage French goodies!!! I know I will!


  1. OMG are you sure you wouldn't want to shop for me!!!! How exciting it will be, I often buy from Corey, I love everything french!!!
    Margaret B

  2. Looks like way too much fun. Wish I could go. Florence

  3. Oh Isabel. What beautiful treasures Amy has!!!! And to have shopped with Corey??? How wonderful is that??? I hope you find many beautiful things sweetie, that handwriting is to die for!!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  4. Isn't that fun? I leave in less than four weeks and can. not. wait to shop the sales!!!

  5. Oh my! What a fun shopping trip. I love the fabulous treasures.

  6. OHhhhhhhhhhhhhh I wish I lived close,,, I would be there... all those gorgeous pretties... have fun


  7. I am losing my mind here. I am so's all beautiful.

  8. Hi Isabel, Oh dear I really do need to move to Portland! So much amazing junk there. It's so different up here in Canada, not much around as far as "great junk" goes and if you do find some it's so expensive because we're all fighting over the one thing :) Would you be able to find me a tall dark handsome husband down there please so I can move to the US :) I'm hoping to make it back to the Farm Chicks this year although our show we've been planning is the weekend after but I just can't miss the great shopping and seeing all you gals.
    God bless, Laura


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