
15 March 2010

French treasures

I loved visiting Amy at her Charlotte's Brocante sale last friday...!!! She is the sweetest gal and a kindred soul who loves pink just like me!!! The treasures she brought back from France were absolutely adorable, and a huge crowd cleaned her little shop to the bone in a little over an hour...!! I came home with some wonderful treasures, and can't wait to put them to great use!!!

... I am absolutely in love with this vintage fabric valance....

... just as I am with this quilted toile one...

... a super sweet little collapsible fabric basket...

... awesome vintage hemp towels...

... a great big fabric covered box... Did it hold chocolate bonbons?

... old metal stencils...

... and finally fabric yardage of grey ticking...

Okay, so the next item is not vintage (it isn't French, either!), but it is pink, and I couldn't resist sharing it! I bought it at TJ Maxx, and I love it!!!

My sweet friend Lisa is having an awesome giveaway to celebrate her 300th blog post!! She made the cutest tote bag with vintage lace, and it come with a surprise inside!!! Make sure you visit her blog for a chance to win this wonderful prize!!


  1. Oh awesome stuff you got. Pink Salt?? Ok is there a reason for the salt to be pink??

  2. Great finds Isabel. I love the curtain. We just got a new salt store in town here. They have so many different kinds of salts. The pink being the most popular.

  3. VERY cute! I am so into pelmets these days! Keep trying to find a place to hang one. Congratulations! Trish

  4. Gorgeous finds! I love it all..thanks for sharing!

  5. That valance is so gorgeous!!! The letters stencils and gray ticking are wonderful! Pink salt- that's fun. I almost bought some pink sugar the other day, just because it was pink! The fabric covered box is delightful. Thanks for the link for the giveaway! I LOVE that lace bag!!!

  6. I love your great finds. I the hemp towels are wonderful. You scored big. Florence

  7. Oh my gosh, what awesome stuff! I love the hemp towels and the metal stencils and that valance - ooh la la! I've got to get some pink salt!

  8. Love your treasures - can't wait to see what you do with them :)

  9. You found such good things. I love the collapsable basket. Very unusual looking. And the fabric covered box. WOW,

  10. What a beautiful blog you have! And those valances are GORGEOUS! They look lovely right there on the back of your sofa! =)

  11. Love your fabulous finds! And thanks for letting us know about the give-away... It's a great bag:)

  12. OH! That first valance has me drooling all over my keyboard. I really, really like it! Good stuff, for sure. ~Mindy

  13. wow, great finds!
    loving the new banner, and darn you for turning me on to the new target line!! Shame on you!!
    See you in 9 days!!
    xoxo, Tiffany

  14. How wonderful to link up with you again and I am glad you have met Amy la Tartelette. She has such a wonderful eye for vintage treasures. I love your blog!!! On behalf of the French nation I shall be coming to reposses that pelmet as it would look much better at the chateau!!!!!

  15. Hi there!
    I didn't see you there! Well, it was so crowded I probably didn't see much more than the back of heads! I got some fabulous stuff too, including the same grey fabric ~ love it! you really got some neat the fabric covered boxes!

    What are you going to make with your fabric?

    Take care!


  16. Enchanting treasures all!! I especially love the fabrics and the way you draped them atop the back of the davenport. So charming. Thank you for sharing with us!

  17. I love the hemp towels and the ticking! I love to go to those sales where stuff has been shipped back from France!

  18. Trader Joes carry pink salt and it is so pretty!!!!
    See you at Tiffany's next week!!


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