... I had deep pockets!!! Every time I go to Monticello to stock up my space, I literally drool over way too many beautiful things!!! My mom always told me that the best part about dreaming is that it's FREE!! So I dream...
This moss cherub would look great in our porch!!

Isn't this the coolest piece??!!

I love vintage dresses...
And how awesome is this vintage pink mixer?
Great chippy little chest of drawers and oh, the possibilities for this amazing piece with all the little cubbies!!!!
This beautiful lamp was marked down from $150 to $48...
Of course I am nuts about chandeliers, and I would gladly take these home...
Anything with roses always draws my attention...

... and this darling little shelf is too cute for words!
Look at these amazing mirror tie backs... Yikes, $169!!
I have always wanted to have some of these...
This darling desk was very reasonably priced at $58....
... and this french bed and matching vanity were really to die for!!!!!
I did come home with a little treasure... I bought this darling little shelf!! Isn't it super cute, with that robin's egg blue on the inside?
When I got home, I had the most amazing surprise waiting for me...!! Sweet Monica, from
The White Bench, was so kind to send me an incredibly generous gift! Monica is a wonderful friend and someone I instantly felt a connection with, like I had known her all my life!! First, I spent a good ten minutes just indulging on the beautiful packaging...
... and when I finally opened it I was thrilled!!!! I couldn' t believe she actually sent me one of her works of art (oh, what I would give to be able to paint as beautifully as she does...!). Monica, I absolutely love it!! And the vintage italian books are gorgeous... What you don't know is that years ago I took two years of Italian at the Italian Institute in Lisbon!! Can't wait to practice my Italian... Grazie mille!!! And how did you know I looooove tea? What a sweet and thoughtful gift, I am truly thankful for your friendship!!!
I will be back soon with pictures of
Tarte's Grand Opening tomorrow... Have a great weekend!