I have received a blog award from Theresa at Time-Worn Interiors! It is such an honor to be the recipient of such an award, and I am very thankful for the recognition!!
I am supposed to tell you six things about myself, and then pass on this award to six bloggers I love:
1. I am absolutely a chocaholic... I cannot live without chocolate!! It is my ultimate comfort food. Take away my chocolate and you will see my ugliest side...!!
2. I do not like complete silence... When I am home I have to have a TV or radio on, even if I am not paying any attention to it. When I travel I prefer a room facing the busy and noisy road rathen than the quiet one in the back...
3. I love reality TV, my favorite shows are Project Runway and Top Chef, but my ultimate favorite is The Amazing Race! It feels like a true cultural "bath", and I (and my family) love it!
4. I love traveling (hence #3...). If I had the means I would travel often!! When I was growing up, I traveled a lot with my parents, when my dad went on business trips, and by the time I was a young teenager I had visited most countries in western Europe.
5. I am an incorrigible "unfinisher"... I always have several projects going at the same time and NEVER, ever, do I have the self-discipline to finish one before I start a new one. Therefore, I have plenty of UFO's (unfinished objects) laying around at all times!!
6. Even though I absolutely love the sun (after all, I grew up with plenty of it...), my favorite kind of day is a rainy day when I can just cuddle up on the sofa with a cup of Earl Grey tea and a good magazine. If there is thunder and lightning, even better!! As long as I don't have to go anywhere!!
Now, this is the hardest part... There are so many lovely and incredible blogs to choose from, that I just cannot bring myself to pick...!! So, I just pick you! Consider yourself awarded!! Have a great week!!